Hi, I'm Zach Hoschar.

I'm a Software Engineer and lifelong learner with a love for solving problems and creating seamless user experiences. My main skills are in Javascript and Python, specifically Node, Express, Flask, SQLite3, React, and Redux. I'm looking for opportunities in the industry where I can learn new technologies and improve my skills.

See some of my recent work

Here’s some stuff I made recently.


A group project using Flask/SQLAlchemy on the backend, React-Redux on the front end, SQLite3 for development and PostgreSQL for production. An instagram clone where my primary focus was the followers/following full stack feature.

Zach BnB

My first project while at App Academy where I used an Express/Sequelize backend. I'm currently rewriting all of this project's CSS in Tailwind with the goal being to learn a new css framework and get better at responsive front end code.


My latest project, made with Python/Flask backend and a React-Redux frontend. Utilized SQLAlchemy's pagination and indices to create efficient queries on a large dataset. Implemented React's useMemo hook to limit rerenders of user profile page.

Here's where you can find me.


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My latest projects.


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